News and Information


On this page you can check to see upcoming projects repaints, server vacancies or 3d models that are either due to be released or published via a planned beta. alternatively you can always check the Product brands page on facebook or other services, however the aim of this page is to keep the information central for you as part of the merge with the DSG Network™.


Below is category lists which will show you relevant news and information reels these will be split into sections relevant to the developer, vendor or brand.

Featured models this month by 3D_Model_Base© Price
3D Model Alexander Dennis/TransBus ALX300 [1997]-[Editorial]-[With Interior]-[DEV] £70.50
3D Model Volvo Super Olympian 12M 1998 [DEV] £55.00
3D Model Alexander Dennis/TransBus ALX300 [1997]-[Editorial]-[DEV] £52.84

These models can be viewed or purchased direct from the 3D Model Store page


New Grand Theft Auto 5/FiveM Price
Grand Theft Auto 5 | FiveM AEC Routemaster £20.75
Grand Theft Auto 5 | FiveM AEC Routemaster Templated £25.75
Grand Theft Auto 5 | FiveM TX1/2/4 London Taxi £21.60
Grand Theft Auto 5 | FiveM MCW/Reliant Metrocab Taxi £17.75

These models can be purchased directly from the GTA 5 Asset Store

Dominion Freedom Server©


In these videos watch as the members of the server respond to a drunken domestic call, followed by another call of a stolen ambulance, these antics are no match for the specailised SPV vehicles or interceptors currently driving the roads. if you want to join the server please follow the instructions given on the Dominion FreeRoam Server page.

3D model_Base©


These are currently the top models being worked on by 3D_Model_Base amogst others. updates of these will continue to be posted on this page and on there main site when released.

These are currently the latest and upto date releases of repaints by Omsi_Modzz©, any further releases will be listed here on this page and also there main page, you can download archived copys of there released repaints on this site via there page. 

Other News Related Posts

Archived Posts

Fellowsfilm issued with a 28-day takedown notice by DSG Network Administrators

Friday 13/01/2023 saw DSG Network™ Administrators issue a well established OMSI 2 community website Fellowsfilm, with a Take down notice.

The information came to light from a informant of the network giant who was browsing Fellowsfilm website at the time of the discovery, Stumbling across a post of Buses Not Permitted on Fellowsfilm, he noticed a post which could only be viewed to blacklist and degrade the networks brand, this informant who has not been named for legal and data protection reasons reported his findings to the DSG Networks administration panel who were quick enough to issue a 28-day take down notice on the site, quickly explaining the sites direct violation and unauthorised use of the networks trademark and copyrighted product names. apon the 28-day closing gap, the DSG Network™ have said that should fellowsfilm fail to comply that they will take the matter further by contacting the site that manages fellowsfilms, as well as filing a complaint with EU copyright legislation law quoting [Trademark Act 1994 Section 92.1]

The DSG Network™ propose merge contract OFFER! with VICC coding-GPCS Developer

The DSG Network™ have further set to expand expressing a deal of contract with the developer of the VICC coding-GPCS system, the network said that the benefits of them becoming a network asset would benefit them in the long run due to the already merged product brands and developers across the network, the developer for VICC coding-GPCS system is yet to comment on the proposal from the network but says that there future contract may be a ideal business climb for there independant company/brand.