This is a summerised page to view any live feeds that are going on, then please visit and join our facebook group through the botton displayed on the home page of this website, whilst you are here you can download any archived projects or work from this website, old betas my have present VICC numbers prior to being a subject to the OMZ beta Pages event, but be assured this isn't a issue as the number has been marked on our system as out of beta and/or a haulted project. betas that contain assets from other developers WILL NOT be available here and as such are classified as privatised projects either for showcase or marketing, whilst you can still download content from our group page 90% of our assets have been moved over to the DSG Network as a result of the merge. hopefully this should be more helpful for you and provide one place in which you can download our content from, be sure to follow any of the DSG Networks requirements and Rules prior to browsing and downloading content from our group.
Products No Longer Supported By Us
Products no longer supported by us are listed here, this maybe due to bad user circulation and mis-interpretation about the origins of the product by discord server groups and rogue community members, if you still have access to any of these products or know of places where these products reside then the owner of the upload origin should be notified of this and "explained too" that this is a deprecated and abandoned product and is not subject to support future progress or updates. any products that are listed here as private are the property of the DSG Network™ and Omsi_modzz© and will not be avalible to download anywhere online. any copies that are found online are notably leaked and are subject to full violation of copyright under EU copyright legislation law, any of these privatised projects found online can expect a full copyright take down noticed actioned aganist the user and there account.

Any community in the act of mis-using our trademark or copyright material in a manor otherwise instructed can face Civil and legal penalties, this example above is a community website (for whom we will not name) that have already recieved a verbal warning instructing them to take down the name in which itself is now a copyrighted© product brand and comes under the DSG Networks™ trademark, they have been given a 28 day notice in which Civil and legal penalties are to following apon further violation. Any Communities and sites can expected this response to displaying a company name within a incorrect manor in a attempt to blacklist it or damage its reputation. Furthermore the buses listed in this image are either no longer in production or are privatised projects, two others listed here are 3D_Model_Base© products which too is a copyrighted brand and falls under the DSG Networks™ trademark Since the merge, as such these are not clasified as a OMSI 2 Addons, Falling under category of a 3D Model asset which in turn falls under the 3D Model Licence category. Below is the listed printed on there website confirming the out of production, privatised or none OMSI related link to these products.
This is as seen on the offending website.
[refer to screenshot]
So, here is the list:
- Buses by Omsi_Modzz (E200MMC, E400 City, Optare Solo SR, Optare Metrocity, Optare Excel, etc.)
Listed below is the products highlighted in the text and screenshot above, for your convenience we have listed these and there current status and availability across our network.
- [E200MMC] - This was a bus being produced arounnd 2017-18, the project was ultimately stopped due to the leaked circulation of files by B.Carter, you will no longer be able to obtain this bus from us as its a abandoned project, files may still be avalible online from its original leak but this remains a privatised and unfinished project and as such no official support will be given for this bus.
- [E400 City] - this was a project that started around the same time as the E200 MMc and was a privatised project due to foreign objects that deemed it unworthy of a public release, this project was abandoned and the project has been rebooted the old model and any files scrapped and rebuilt [currently just the body] details of this can be found on the 3D_Model_bases© page again with evidential proof showing no pirated content as allegedly and wrongfully accused.
- [Optare Metrocity] - This is a 3D_Model_Base© product and should not be listed on there website, there has been no comformation from us that this is a OMSI 2 project and this entry has clearly been the result of un-confirmed rumours and speculation.
- [Optare Excel] - This is a 3D_Model_Base© product and should not be listed on there website, there has been no comformation from us that this is a OMSI 2 project and this entry has clearly been the result of un-confirmed rumours and speculation.
- [Optare Solo SR] - This Project started around 2017 and was the subject of a pre-release beta which was hosted by OMZ_Beta_Page©, the bus also featured coding which was completed by the VICC coding team, subsequently one of the beta testers was found out attempting to leak the bus however this was sucessfully tracked using the code system sequenced on the bus and the specified release blacklisted, this model may still be avalible online and also found its way into the hands of B.Carter, this model still remains blacklisted though as as such anyone with this model can expect to recieve no official support or updates, this model entered and public release phase but was withdrawn due to a model reboot, the origins for the files for this bus can be provided with puchase proof showing where the base model was brought from, the base model was also uploaded to the sketcchup 3D warehouse, a move that was ulimately used to try and prove that the bus wasn't owned by us details can be shown that the 3D Warehouse account is owned bus us. this bus may still be avalible online but is classed as a abandoned and closed project, no official updates or support will be provided.
We urge any users to only following our page both through the DSG Network™ console or on our facebook to check such quering information. when checking this information best results through the means of our official pages and not from other community hosted Discord servers/communities or websites and subsideries is thought to be best to avoid futher confusion, we only operate under the DSG Network™ Administration and have no involvement with any other community unless merged under the DSG Network™ umbrella, so your source of genuine and confirmative information will only be gained through these means, these other communities, websites and discord servers have whats called user circulated information, information thats not from the geniune source, therefor they are unable to establish any truth in what has been said nor provide adiquate proof to confirm this, they gather fragments of information from videos posted by our groups "youtube, facebook ect" where we are showcasing what could be privatised models containing other model assets of other vehicles which in turn could be listed private products and not eligible to a future release publically, they use this to proclaim that we are releasing this model, or that we've claimed credit for this when in reality no such thing has been said and no discription provides any truth of what they've said, however they still proceed to implicate to others that we claim creative designed over these products, however in reality they lack having the real product to provide any concrete accusations, if they have a non-released or privatised product they too have violated copyright protection laws and obtained it through leakers or other unorthodox measures that in turn wouldn't generally be accepted by the community. We host betas through a program (normally through OMZ_Beta_Page©) during which when we release these betas they are highlighted private or public and also subject to the VICC coding system (VICC being a separate entity from the DSG Network™). Both of these provided strict, authorised and secure measures to signing up to betas which ensures exposure to leakers when they attempt to leak our products, however they may still also obtain beta products they wouldn't generally have access to in a effort to dis-credit the product and again provide inadequate information, thus forgetting how they too originally obtained our product, this information is then to many discord servers and communities a talked about subject where unnecessary and untrue information is added to the story to further attempt to dis-credit and damage a reputation of that developer or person, that information is then fed back to the major community hosting sites that in turn dont ask no questions therefor assuming its legitimacy.
Repaints/Livery Packs
The following repaints Listed Below are archived and available for download some of these maybe for buses that are no longer being developed or has been abandoned, some may also only work with OMSI 1, all packs/files come with a "Readme", however if you have any issues or you cannot install your repaint please message a admin or moderator on our page and we can assist you further.
Dennis Enviro 400 Stagecoach Megabus and Magic bus pack
Dennis Enviro 400 Stagecoach Northampton 50
Dennis_Enviro500MMC- Costal
Dennis_Enviro500MMC- Stagecoach Pack
Enviro 200 Northampton Pack
First MegaPack
Flying Tiger-YST Blue
Gold Mega Pack Vol.1
Gold Megapack 2.0
Leyland National Pack V1.2.2
Leyland National Pack 2.0
Leyland National Interior Pack
South Yorkshire Repaints
Stagecoach Connect V1.2.2
Stagecoach East Midlands Pack
Stagecoach Goldline Pack
Stagecoach Megapack
Stagecoach Midland Pack 2.0 +(plus)
Stagecoach Northampton Pack 2 and Update
Stagecoach Pack Man ALX 300-SetupFile
Stagecoach PLC Holdings Repaint
X4 And X46-47 (V1.2.2)
Yorkshire Tiger
[OMZ] Stagecoach Corbystar Repaint Pack (Re-Release For V3D's Digibus Mirage)
Corbystar Pack For ALX 400, Dennis Dart SLF, Dennis_Eniro500, Dennis_Enviro400, Man ALX 300 And The Optare Solo
Engine And Other Modz
The following mods listed below are archived and can be downloaded via the links provided please note that some of these maybe for old degraded buses or for OMSI 1 that may or may not work with OMSI 2. all files should come with a "ReadMe" file, however if you find that this is present in your download and are having trouble please get intouch with a admin or moderator on our group page and we can assist you further.
ALX 400 Engine MOD (Please note not for V3D's Release)
Leyland National Engine D MOD
Leyland National Engine MOD
All Downloads here are archived copies and are currently stored on the DSG Networks™ main console network which is routinely backed up on a regular basis, thefore if misc or rogue reports won't deem any file undownloadable and such files will be re-upload and relinked, through repeat attempts the Network can and will use its VPS machine to host any links.